Monday, October 12, 2009

Week #2 Results



STANDINGS           #    W    L   SCRATCH TEAM   HIGH    HIGH 
                                   PINS    AVG   GAME   SERIES
Team 9              9    7    1    3932    654    720    2002
Team 11            11    6    2    3597    611    684    1904
Strikers All-Stars  1    6    2    3523    586    638    1776
Alley Oops          4    5    3    2928    487    531    1469
Team 5              5    4    4    2734    391    538    1474
Team 6              6    4    4    1716    564    581    1716
Team 10            10    3    5    3442    572    620    1774
Team 7              7    3    5    1574    524    569    1574
Team 3              3  2.5  5.5    2993    497    563    1570
Incognito           2  2.5  5.5    2633    428    509    1357
Team 8              8    0    8    1321    439    456    1321
Team 12            12    0    8       0    480      0       0


Brandon Fredzess    221    Mike Kendrick      242
Mike Kendrick       203    Randy Ashford      230
                           Emmett House       230


Brandon Fredzess    636    Robert Franklin    671
Reggie Van Hook     564    Randy Ashford      668
                           Mike Kendrick      668 


Quinton House       256    Quinton House      256
Brandon Fredzess    221    Mike Kendrick      246
Reggie Van Hook     210    Reggie Van Hook    238


Quinton House       658    Robert Franklin    671
Brandon Fredzess    636    Randy Ashford      668
Reggie Van Hook     564    Mike Kendrick      668 

WOMEN'S HIGH SCORES - WEEK #2           


Sharon Connally     209    Sharon Connally    241
Sharon Evans        171    Shannon Miller     227


Sharon Connally     494    Shannon Miller     647
Jamari Surney       462    Jodine Bautista    620

Sharon Connally     209    Sharon Connally    241
Jamari Surney       191    Shannon Miller     227
Sharon Evans        171    Sharon Evans       225


Jamari Surney       497    Shannon Miller     647
Sharon Connally     494    Jodine Bautista    620
Shshane Thomas      460    Gena Noble         608 

MEN    203 - 156 = 47 Mike Kendrick
WOMEN  209 - 164 = 45 Sharon Connally 

MEN    545 - 459 = 86 Robert Franklin
WOMEN  281 - 192 = 89 Shannon Miller

1 Strikers                              TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
  All-Stars          1   2   3  SER AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Sharon Evans     171 108 124  403 137   6    171   420   225   582
  Randy Ashford    175 185 191  551 170   6    191   551   230   668
  Jamari Survey    163 164 135  462 159   6    191   497   222   590
2 Incognito                             TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
                     1   2   3  SER AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Gina Noble       119  91 101  311  96   6    123   311   222   608
  Mel Mumphrey     113 124 118  355 126   6    148   402   207   509
  Lynecia Ashley   109  94 103  306 105   6    118   325   200   571

  Dale Johnson      93 108 103  304 101   3    108   304   197   571
3 Team 3                                TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
                     1   2   3  SER AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Gabriela Santis   76  95 101  272  88   6    101   272   204   581
  Jerry Parsons    132 153 124  409 155   6    209   522   232   591
  Shshane Thomas   150 150 160  460 151   6    166   460   211   595
  Ellery Brown      78  92 112  282 103   6    140   340   218   574
4 Alley Oops                            TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
                     1   2   3 SER  AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Shannon Miller    88 105  88 281   79   6    105   281   227   647
  Tanya Brown       77  85  69 231   79   6    108   246   214   564
  Mark Murphy      130 180 196 506  171   6    199   522   222   591
  Gary White       186 124 141 451  158   6    204   498   234   588
5 Team 5                                TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
                     1   2   3 SER  AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Estrella Vindas   97  65  86 248   78   6     97   248   210   587
  Aline Canido      66 100 103 269  100   6    134   333   214   573
  James Ekeroma     86                    1     86
  Tom Johnson      109 154 120 383  127   3    154   383   219   578

6 Team 6                                TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
                     1   2   3 SER  AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Brandon Fredzess 221 202 213 636  204   6    221   636   223   642

7 Team 7                                TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
                     1   2   3 SER  AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Sharon Connally  167 209 118 494  164   3    209   494   241   590

8 Team 8                                TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
                     1   2   3 SER  AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Valeska Castillo  77  89  76 242   80   3     89   242   197   566

  Markus Van Hook  117 102 140 359  119   3    140   359   212   575
9 Team 9                                TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
                     1   2   3 SER  AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Emmett House     170 191 172 533  166   6    191   533   230   650

  Jodine Bautista  147 124 160 431  136   6    160   431   223   620
  Brian Romero     168 156 154 478  161   6    189   488   223   590
  Quinton House    167 158 163 488  191   6    256   658   256   658

10 Team 10                               TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
                     1   2   3 SER  AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Robert Franklin  181 183 181 545  167   6    183   545   225   671
  George Holland    98 158 129 385  128   6    158   387   221   576
  Jason Brace      154 159 171 484  157   6    183   484   225   610 

11 Team 11                               TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
                     1   2   3 SER  AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Stan Wilson      177 132 120 429  143   3    177   429   228   582
  Mike Kendrick    191 157 203 551  170   6    207   551   246   668
  Reggie Van Hook  196 191 177 564  178   6    210   564   238   648

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Are We Bowling on the Columbus Day Holiday?

Yes, we bowl on Monday, October 12.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Week #1 Results



                             PINS    AVG   GAME  SERIES

Team 5               3    1  1474    468    538   1474
Team 3             2.5  1.5  1570    522    563   1570
Strikers All-Stars   2    2  1747    581    638   1747
Incognito            2    2  1357    452    509   1357
Alley Oops         1.5  2.5  1459    486    531   1459
Team 6               0    4     0    480      0      0
Team 7               0    4     0    480      0      0
Team 8               0    4     0    480      0      0

MEN'S HIGH SCORES             
Brandon Fredzess    221    Gary White         234
Jerry Parsons       209    Jerry Parsons      232
Gary White          204    Brandon Fredzess   223
                           Randy Ashford      223

Brandon Fredzess    593    Brandon Fredzess   599
Jerry Parsons       522    Jerry Parsons      591
Mark Murphy         522    Mark Murphy        591

WOMEN'S HIGH SCORES             


Jamari Surney       191    Jamari Surney      222
Shshane Thomas      166    Gina Noble         222
Mel Mumphrey        148    Tanya Brown        214
                           Aline Canido       214


Jamari Surney       497    Jamari Surney      590
Shshane Thomas      451    Shshane Thomas     586
Sharon Evans        420    Sharon Evans       582

1 Strikers                     TOTAL    TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
  All-Stars          1   2   3 PINS AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Sharon Evans     140 137 143  420 140   3    143   420   197   582
  Randy Ashford    165 121 184  470 156   3    184   470   223   587
  Jamari Surney    171 135 191  497 165   3    191   497   222   590
2 Incognito                    TOTAL    TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
                     1   2   3 PINS AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Gina Noble       123  95  52  270  90   3    123   270   222   567
  Mel Mumphrey     148 129 125  402 134   3    148   402   207   579
  Lynecia Ashley   118 101 106  325 108   3    118   325   200   571
3 Team 3                       TOTAL    TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
                     1   2   3 PINS AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Gabriela Santis   98  82  77  257  85   3     98   257   201   566
  Jerry Parsons    143 209 170  522 174   3    209   522   232   591
  Shshane Thomas   134 151 166  451 150   3    166   451   211   586
  Ellery Brown     140 121  79  340 113   3    140   340   218   574
4 Alley Oops                   TOTAL    TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
                     1   2   3 PINS AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Shannon Miller    60  70  63 193   64   3     70   193   192   559
  Tanya Brown       50 108  88 246   82   3    108   246   214   564
  Mark Murphy      170 199 153 522  174   3    199   522   222   591
  Gary White       140 154 204 498  166   3    204   498   234   588
5 Team 5                       TOTAL    TOTAL HIGH  HIGH  HDCP  HDCP
                     1   2   3 PINS AVG GAMES GAME SERIES GAME SERIES

  Estrella Vindas   80  79  63 222   74   3    80    222   193   561
  Aline Canido     112  87 134 333  111   3   134    333   214   573
  James Ekeroma     86                    1    86
  Brandon Fredzess 214 158 221 593  197   3   221    593   223   599

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it too late to sign up?

A: No. You can still join the league. Please contact Brandon Fredzess at for an application form. If you're going to sign up at the lanes on Monday night, please arrive by 6:00 so you can get your paperwork taken care of before the bowling starts. Warm-ups begin at 6:20 and the games begin at 6:30 sharp.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: There are three payment options. At first we were told we had to choose one of three options for the entire league and the participants chose the most expensive option. However, we recently received permission from Pinole Valley Lanes to allow individuals to choose the option they prefer. Your choices are:

1. $25. This pays for your weekly bowling, the sweeper and cash payout, plus a weekend bowling tournament in Reno.

2. $20. This pays for your weekly bowling, the sweeper and cash payout but not the Reno tournament.

3. $15. This pays for your weekly bowling only. No cash payout, no Reno tournament.

All three plans include bowling shoe rental for those who don't have their own shoes.

Q: What is a sweeper?

A: The sweeper is the last night of the season during which the league's prize funds are paid out based on standings and scores.

Q: What can you tell me about the weekend bowling tournament in Reno?

A: We depart on Friday, December 4th and return Sunday, December 6th. It's funded by your weekly bowling fees which cover the round-trip bus ride, the hotel, and the entry fee in the bowling tournament. The hotel is to be announced. The bowling tournament with cash prizes will be held at the National Bowling Stadium in downtown Reno.

Q: When does the league's season end?

A: It's scheduled to end on January 11, 2010.

Q: What if I can't put together a four-member team?

A: You can form your own team if you wish but it isn't required. If you don't have a team, we can match you up with a team in need of another member.

Q: Can my children bowl with me?

A: If they are at least age 18. It's required for leagues that pay out cash winnings.

Q: What is handicap scoring?

A: It's a means of equalizing the competition. Obviously, it would be difficult for a bowler who averages 90 pins per game to compete with a bowler who averages 190. Each bowler gets a boost to his/her score based on his average score per game. The handicap is 90% of the difference between one's average and 210.

If you're a really good bowler who averages 210 pins or more per game, you don't receive any assistance. If you average 110 per game, you will receive a boost of 90 pins per game (90% of the difference between 210 and 110). A scratch bowler with no handicap could bowl a 200 game and lose to a bowler with a 110 average who bowls a 115 game. That's because the bowler with the 110 average gets a 90 pin handicap that boosts his/her score of 115 up to 205. So even in you're an inexperienced bowler who averages less than 100 pins per game, you can still compete with bowlers who average over 200 pins per game.